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How to help 

You can help support Overflow Ministries in several meaningful ways. Prayer is so powerful- please pray for the ministry’s leaders, volunteers, and the individuals and communities they are reaching out to, asking for guidance, strength and the resources needed to fulfill the mission of the ministry. 

young adult leaders


Overflow Ministries hosts a number of events where your help would be greatly appreciated. Please consider donating your time and skills; whether helping with outreach programs or providing assistance to those coordinating- we currently have a weekly youth program and monthly food distributions in the Crystal Lake community. 

moms and volunteers

Financial donations are another critical way to help Overflow Ministries. Your donations enable the ministries to provide resources, reach more people in need and enable the ministries to fund programs and projects.

kids volunteering

Overflow Ministries is currently seeking donations, whether it be a one-time gift, or a monthly donation, or supplies.  

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